Orange Belt Pledge
I understand that I am but a beginner in a new and fascinating art which will direct me to greater obligations and responsibilities. To honor my obligation and responsibilities, I pledge to myself to serve my instructor, fellow students, and fellow man.
Parker Ed, (1987), Infinite Insights into Kenpo Vol 5, Delsby Publications Los Angeles
Orange Belt Syllabus
- Reverse Bow
- Wide Kneel
- Close Kneel
- Inside Downward (Palm Down)
- Inside Downward (Palm Up)
- Thrusting Palm Heel
- Thrusting Half Clenched Fist
- Back Knuckle Fist
- Middle Knuckle Fist
- Upper Elbow
- Back Elbow
- Spear Hand – Four Finger Thrust
- Inward Parry
- Outward Parry
- Upward Parry
- Knee
- Front Thrusting
- Side Stomping
- Side Thrusting
- Back Thrusting
Foot Manoeuvres
- Switching
Forms and Sets
- Kempo Long Form 1
- Kicking Set 1
- Conditioning Set (Three Star)
Self Defence
- Repeating Mace
- Locked Wing
- Glancing Salute
- Shield and Hammer
- Crossing Talon
- Dance of Death
- Sword and Hammer
- Checking the Storm
- Scraping Hoof
- Five Swords
- Crashing Wings
- Attacking Mace
- Buckling Branch
- Clutching Feathers
- Triggered Salute
- Grip of Death
- Mace of Aggression